G'day and welcome to S12Silvia.com, a project of mine for almost 20 years now. My name's Matt, I've been an S12 enthusiast since 2003, and I live in Adelaide, South Australia.
Let's rewind the clock a little…
In late 2003 I purchased my first car, a 1984 Nissan Gazelle GL, powered by the almighty CA20E engine. It was a red hatchback and I loved everything about it. Eager to learn, modify and discuss, I jumped on the Internet to browse the forums. You have to remember that social networks weren't around at this point in time, there was no Facebook!
Back in the early 2000's there was only one community website for the Nissan S12, the US based Club-S12.org. In early 2004 a group of South Australian based members of Club-S12 organised a series of catch ups, social events and car cruises. And this is where it all began.
After a number of catch-ups we created our own forum, SAS12, where we could discuss the unique details of our Australian S12's and plan more meet-ups and cruises. A growing member base of owners from the rest of Australian led to this forum becoming AUS-12.org, which only continued to grow in scale and popularity. I took the reigns of AUS12 after a couple of years and continued to build upon what it had become, and with an ever-growing membership of international enthusiasts, this evolved into S12Silvia.com in July 2007.
S12Silvia.com was something I was truly proud of. A vibrant and active community of S12 owners from around the globe all sharing in one passion. Myself and a small team continued to develop this base, creating featured cars and an extensive series of blogs, developing and selling S12 parts and accessories, printing calendars and continuing to collate S12 data and technical guides for users.
With the growing popularity of Social Media and platforms such as Facebook Groups for online car communities, Internet forums suffered a massive decline in popularity. S12Silvia.com transitioned over to Facebook Groups where we continue to have a large member base today.
This current iteration of S12Silvia.com is something I've had in the back of my mind for the better part of a decade now. With all the information, media and useful technical guides that I've collected over the years, as well as member contributions to the S12Silvia.com forums, I thought it was finally time to collate it all and present it in a Wikipedia format that is accessible to all S12 enthusiasts.
I hope this website can be of use to everybody who shares a passion for this little Nissan sports car.
- Matt
I currently own a 1987 Nissan Silvia Twincam Turbo Full White RS-X, which can be seen here on my Instagram page @S12Life
Some credits and thanks…
To my Dad, you helped me purchased my first car, the S12 that started my addiction to this chassis and car culture in general. Thank you.
My wife Sarah, thanks for putting up with and supporting my obsession with cars and my S12's. I love you.
Will (4GOT10), truth that car culture and internet forums can create lifelong friendships. Thanks for being such an aweseome mate over the years, we've had so many good times, loads of memories, and a few whoopsies on the mountain bike trails. One day (probably when we're old and can no longer drive) we will finally have both our S12's on the road together again. Cheers mate.
Colin (Draconis), further testament to the power of car culture and the Internet. As online friends for many years sharing our passion for the S12, it was amazing to finally meet you and spend time together when you flew across the world to Australia for a visit. Thanks for all the help over the years with everything on S12Silvia.com, your contributions continue to help build this website.
Dean (Umai Naa), your technical knowledge of the S12 chassis always inspired me to delve deeper and look more into this car, leading me to uncover previously unknown things about this quirky little chassis. Thanks for your help and input over the years.
Jason (Arro), you pioneered the S12 community and brought together S12 enthusiasts from around the world through Club-S12. This is what started it all. Thank you.